Sri Ayesha Statement of Philosophy
Sri Ayesha is a comprehensive private school dedicated to the tradition of knowledge and character excellence. The school provides an environment which challenges students continually to acquire knowledge, think critically, listen with discernment and speak and write proficiently. It is also the school’s obligation to develop in each student an appreciation and understanding of Malaysian’s unique history and culture; and to prepare student to serve their community.

School History
Sri Ayesha is the only Selangor State’s Religious Department accredited school that offers teaching using English as the primary medium. Since inception, the school has moved several times to accommodate the growing need of new student’s admission. Sri Ayesha commenced its first program in 1998 to accommodate the pioneer batch of 15 students and organically grew into becoming one of the reputable institutions locally and on the national level.
Current Facts
Admission: Sri Ayesha enrols students in kindergarten – primary – secondary who show promise and proven ability and who are enthusiastic and eager to learn. Admission is competitive and applicants for each level are reviewed (and interviewed) on the basis of their academic record (grades, test scores and teacher recommendations), character and extracurricular interests and talents.
Kindergarten (3-6)
Primary (7-12)
Secondary (13-17)
99 Faculty Members
75% Hold Advanced Degrees
Student Teacher Ratio: 11 to 1
Primary School Average Class Size: 20
Secondary School Average Class Size: 25
Sri Ayesha offers the Malaysian’s integrated national & internation-al (IGCSE) curriculum for both primary and secondary levels. We also a Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) registered school, thus we offer Islamic Certificate accredited by Department of Edu-cation, JAIS. The kindergarten program is based on Montessori Curriculum including the Sensorial, Botany, Cosmic, Practical Life, Math and Languages.
Points of Pride
- Respectful of self and others
- Honest
- Independent critical thinkers
- Ethical decision-makers
- Reflective, life-long learners
- Responsible citizens of our school, community and coun-try
Sri Ayesha Debate team competes locally and in Regional level with schools from Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philip-pines. Our debater has recently been short-listed (to 21 best na-tionwide debaters) to represent Malaysia in World School Debate Championships.
- 1st runner-up IIUM Interschool Debate Championship (English Category) 2017
- Champion in Honsbridge Debate Challenge 2014
- Champion in Regional International Debate Championship (English Category) 2009 & 2010
- Champion in Public Speaking (Tun Razak inter-school Championships) 2011
- State finalist in NST-RHB Spell-it-Right 2011
- First girl debater to be awarded top-ten best speaker UIAM inter-school (English)
- Champion Tahfeez Al-Quran
University Admission and Prospect
100% of our students move on to higher learning institution / uni-versities following graduation (SPM). Our graduates are studying in various part of the world including:
- Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan (Medicine & Dentistry)
- NUI Galway, Ireland (Medicine)
- Northern Illinois University
- University of Iowa
- Yarmouk University, Jordan (Islamic Finance, Syariah & Banking)
- Curtin University, Australia (Business)
- Al-Azhar University, Egypt (Family Law)
- National University of Singapore
- Nothingham University, UK
- University of London
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Queensland, Australia
Local Universities
- Islamic University of Malaysia;
- UITM (Medic, Engineering, Law)
- University Kebangsaan Malaysia (Education);
- University Malaya (Medicine)
- University Petronas
- University Tenaga Nasional (Engineering)
- University Putra Malaysia
- Nottingham University;
- Taylor’s University;
- Lim Kok Wing University (Culinary)
- Management & Science University (MSU)
- Multimedia University (MMU)
- German-Malaysian Institute (GMI)